kitchen decorated with plants

How to Decorate Above Kitchen Cabinets and the Ceiling

Kitchen cabinet and ceiling spaces can often feel awkward, empty and without much decoration. To make them more eye-catching, try these simple tricks for improved visual appeal.

Start With Greenery

Greenery can add a vibrant touch to any space, whether you have just a few plants or an entire garden. Adding plants above cabinets is an affordable and low maintenance way to liven up the room without taking up too much of your time or money. It’s low maintenance and easy to switch out for new looks without taking up too much room in terms of effort or cost.

Display Items You Love

Hanging your favorite collections, collectibles or other decor above cabinets is a great way to add personality and style to the space. Plus, it frees up floor space since these items can serve as decorative elements instead of storage compartments.

beautifully designed kitchen
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash


Hanging wooden or metal signs as a focal point above cabinets is another great idea for decorating this space. Choose from various styles like farmhouse, colonial, or rustic and hang them on the wall easily; alternatively you could choose an adorable modern design to fit the area perfectly.

Create a balanced and unifying look by placing multiple signs side by side. This works best for those with tall ceilings, but can also work well on shorter ones.

Art Gallery

Hanging modern artwork above cabinets is another great way to decorate this space. Select pieces that complement your existing color scheme or opt for bold contrasts for a striking visual impact.

If you have a collection of vintage milk glass or Pyrex dishes, adding a shelf to this space could be the perfect solution for showcasing them and providing extra storage in otherwise empty space.

Create a faux brick accent wall

If your kitchen is looking too bland, why not add some pizzazz with faux brick walls. This could be as easy as peel-and-stick wallpaper or as dramatic as real brick; either way, your kitchen will gain extra texture and drama!


Are you in search of an eye-catching storage solution? Try using baskets atop your cabinets. Woven baskets are timeless classics, but wire baskets offer a more contemporary aesthetic.

kitchen designed with glass jars
Photo by Uliana Kopanytsia on Unsplash

Create visual interest with a mix of vases

If your cabinets are looking drab, try placing various vases on top to add visual interest and height. The different sizes of these vases will add visual depth and dimension to the area.

Create this look by placing several groups of vases in a row or spacing them out in an irregular pattern. You could even use different colored vases to create a cohesive aesthetic.

Show Off Your Family Heirlooms

If you have a piece of ware that has been passed down through generations, using it as decor above cabinets is an excellent idea! Not only will this add personality to your kitchen, but it also makes the space feel more meaningful.

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